Neillsville is located in West Central Wisconsin at the intersection of U.S. Hwy. 10 and State Hwy. 73 and serves as the county seat for Clark County. With a population of 2,500, the city provides amenities often reserved for larger communities yet maintains the appeal of a rural lifestyle.

Residents of Neillsville enjoy high quality healthcare, excellent educational institutions, a variety of retail shopping choices, numerous attractions and entertainment events, and unlimited recreational opportunities. At the same time, they appreciate the comforts and conveniences of small-town life, such as affordable housing, friendly people, and a low crime rate.

Neillsville is a region with many employment opportunities in a variety of areas, such as industry, healthcare, and education.
The City of Neillsville is governed by a mayor and city council. All departments, including fire, library, police, and public works, offer high quality service to the residents of Neillsville.